celia avila-rauch
Nuevo curso de Inteligencia Emocional

Dear colleagues, I am sending you this special course certification about Emotional Intelligence skills at work. Some of you did a course before. This course is accredited by the International coach Federation (ICF). If you cannot attend it, I will appreciate if you can forward the information to other colleagues or HHRR or your company. … [Read more…]
El 1 de abril 2017, curso de BreathXpress de Alba Emoting©

Curso de BreathXpress de Alba Emoting Sábado, 1 de Abril de 2017 de 10h hasta las 14h My Sport Lady Klenzestrasse, 57B 80469 München Contacta a Celia Avila-Rauch para más información del curso y de las condiciones. windrosecoaching@outlook.com La tarifa del curso son de 100 EUR por persona El método Alba Emoting© or BreathXpress es … [Read more…]
Esta semana, artículos a leer
Healing the mother wound http://goop.com/healing-the-mother-wound/