The leader must learn to face his emotional fears, to develop emotional skills, he must know what he is afraid of, how fear affects his life, and thus improve his level of competence, that is, how much time I need to make a decision, how to maintain my own motivation, and how to deal with setbacks. For this the requirement will be important to keep your purposes and a direction in your performance, probably your goals are not those of the team, so we will need the dialogue and communication, and lower the demands, nobody cares if you are a success or a failure, everything depends on the person. That’s why it’s important to have good self-esteem.
The human brain has an incredible capacity to adapt to new conditions. This plasticity enables us not only to constantly learn but also overcome injury and loss function. This is the meaning of this book, to be able to visualize and experience fear from a dynamic, non-paralyzing perspective, making use of our natural resources and evidencing what blocks us and what stimulates us in leadership. Our plastic brain will learn to see solutions and not to stay in the problems.

The human being must make decisions by putting emotions and thoughts on the surface, even if them appear in the opposite way. To understand a person, we need to know something about what moves him, both positively and negatively, what about wishes, goals, plans, values, what about fears and dislikes are. People express the same feelings in all types of societies, but cultural differences can affect the intensity and expression. All have the same facial expressions for several basic feelings. When we are talking about fear in leadership, we are talking about managing stress, emotional intelligence skills, communication, ego and resilience. These are the basic principles in the leading process. We don’t need instructions to react with emotions, we need emotions to function and to develop in Life.
Coming soon more articles about leadership and business:
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